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<a id="itemMore">查看更多造势案例+</a>
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(function ($, document) {
* param el {object} jquery对象,默认: $('.page-scroll-container')
* param datas {array } 数据数组,格式:[{img:'',title:'',content:''},...],默认:示例
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* param loadingTime {number} 加载时间,默认: 200ms
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loadTxt: {
more: '查看更多造势案例+',
loading: '<span>加载中...</span>',
end: '没有更多了'
bottom: option.bottom || 0,
loadingTime: option.loadingTime || 200,
isloading: false
Object.defineProperty(defaultOption, "page", {
get: function () {
if (option.page) {
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return this.arr.length % this.pagesize ? (parseInt(this.arr.length / this
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'<div class="imgitem col-md-4 col-sm-4 col-xs-6" style="display:none;">'
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res.push(' <h4>' + this.arr[i].title + '</h4>');
res.push(' <strong>' + this.arr[i].content + '</strong>');
res.push(' <span class="qwe">查看该案例详情</span>');
res.push(' </div>');
res.push(' </a>');
setTimeout(function () {
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defaultOption.init = function () {
var that = this;
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$(window).on('scroll', function () {
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